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Nikka Traders

Nikka Traders logo

Nikka Traders

laptop_chromebook Website

account_box Name

Shawn Lytton

work Job title


mark_email_unread Email address

aod Phone number

(604) 324-6556

contact_mail Street address

9291 Shaughnessy street
Vancouver (SE Kerrisdale / SW Oakridge / West Marpole)
BC Canada V6P-6P4

Business description

Maple Terroir is a producer of maple related products such as conventional/organic maple syrup, maple leaf cookies, maple stroopwafels, maple shortbread cookies, maple butter, maple sugar, maple chocolates, maple tea & coffee, etc.

Sell sheet

Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
No sell sheet is available for this producer.

Current market channels

  • Public Schools (K-12)
  • Private Schools (K-12)
  • Retirement homes (private)
  • Other government contracts
  • Food Service Provider
  • Processors (direct or via broker)
  • Distributor
  • Major stores
  • Catering Company
  • Independent stores
  • Universities or Colleges
  • Hospitals and long-term care (public)
  • Online grocery stores

Product listings from this business

Peanuts: Maple and Sea Salt, Roasted image

Maple and sea salt roasted peanuts. From Nikka Traders.

Popcorn: Maple Butter image

Maple butter popcorn snack. From Nikka Traders.

Tea: Black, Maple Ceylon image

Mountain-grown maple Ceylon tea. From Nikka Traders.

Coffee: Ground Medium-Dark Roast, Maple image

Medium-dark roast ground coffee. Sold in a printed tin with maple syrup. From Nikka Traders.

Cookies: Maple Stroopwafel image

Maple Terroir brand individually wrapped maple stroopwafel. From Nikka Traders.

Cookies: Dark Chocolate Stroopwafel image

Maple Terroir brand individually wrapped maple stroopwafel. From Nikka Traders.

Cookies: Matcha Stroopwafel image

Maple Terroir brand individually wrapped maple stroopwafel. From Nikka Traders.

Cookies: Blueberry Stroopwafel image

Maple Terroir brand individually wrapped maple stroopwafel. From Nikka Traders.

Cookies: Strawberry Cream Stroopwafel image

Maple Terroir brand individually wrapped maple stroopwafel. From Nikka Traders.