J.K. Agro Industries
account_box Name
David Braich
work Job title
mark_email_unread Email address
aod Phone number
(604) 556-8280
contact_mail Street address
48 Clearbrook rd.
V2T 5W9
Business description
We are J.K. Agro Industries Inc. located in the Fraser Valley. We are Canada GAP certified, and have been farming since 1975, growing Raspberries, Blueberries, Strawberries. We are planning to grow Broccoli and Cauliflower, and seeking wholesalers and customers for Broccoli.
Sell sheet
Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
No sell sheet is available for this producer.
Current market channels
- Processors (direct or via broker)
- Distributor
- Restaurants (via distributor)