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Delta Coffee Works

Delta Coffee Works logo

Delta Coffee Works

laptop_chromebook Website

account_box Name

Mike Li

work Job title


mark_email_unread Email address

aod Phone number

(778) 668-2766

contact_mail Street address

119-6951 72nd Street
BC Canada V4G 0A2

Business description

Local coffee roasting facility in Delta, B.C.. We roast fresh coffee daily, and supply grocery stores, food service outlets, and export. Our Best Gourmet coffee in 907g and 225g metal tins is the only locally made coffee, which has been enjoyed by customers for 30 years.

Ownership and operations

  • Person of colour owned or operated

Sell sheet

Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
No sell sheet is available for this producer.

Current market channels

  • Major stores
  • Independent stores
  • Food Service Provider
  • Distributor
  • Restaurants (via distributor)
  • Catering Company
  • Restaurants (direct)
  • Online grocery stores