Social Media Material
Social media material
You can use the following text for social media posts such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn:
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Looking for BC food and beverage products? Check out the new Feed BC Directory—a searchable product database connecting B.C.’s diverse food and beverage producers/processors with commercial and institutional buyers. To find or list B.C. products, visit
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B.C.’s institutions and commercial buyers can now easily connect with B.C. producers and processors through the searchable, online Feed BC Directory to connect to market-ready B.C. food and beverage products. To find or list B.C. products, visit
Please feel free to use the following hashtags along with your message:
#feedbcdirectory #bcfood #localfood
Please find a selection of images to use on various social media platforms.
Feed BC Directory – Blueberries, Apples and Muffins
Feed BC Directory – Bagels, Chicken and Frozen Peas
Feed BC Directory – Peppers, Cheese and Strawberries
Feed BC Directory – Pop, Sandwiches and Carrots
Feed BC Directory – Eggs, Bread and Frozen Berries