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Truffle Pig Chocolate

Truffle Pig Chocolate logo

Truffle Pig Chocolate

laptop_chromebook Website

account_box Name

Shelley Wallace

work Job title


mark_email_unread Email address

aod Phone number

(604) 215-0234

contact_mail Street address

3650 Bonneville Place, Unit 101
BC Canada V3N 4T7

remember_me Social

Business description

Truffle Pig Chocolate believes you deserve to know where your cocoa comes from; therefore we have created a completely transparent supply chain with traceable ingredients. But most importantly, we pay over world market prices directly to our farmers so they do not have to resort to slavery. Our Central American cacao is grown wildly, beyond organic, without the use of fertilizers or pesticides.

Ownership and operations

  • Women owned or operated

Sell sheet

Industry targeted information on business, product line, distribution and ordering details.
No sell sheet is available for this producer.

Current market channels

  • Major stores
  • Independent stores
  • Online grocery stores